Future of the Social Sciences

The Future of the Social Sciences

The Center for the Study of Economy and Society at Cornell University was delighted to host a workshop on October 3rd, 2014 on the “Future of the Social Sciences” at the Cornell Club New York City. The format of the workshop was centered around discussion panels on 4 core themes and short background papers. The selected panels were structured around the following research areas: 1) Big Questions for the Social Sciences in the 21st Century, 2) Changes in Research Designs, 3) Blurring of Disciplinary Boundaries, and 4) Innovation, Change and Emergence.

The guest list for the Future of the Social Sciences workshop included the following scholars: Steven Strogatz, Francesca Trivellato, John Padget, Victor Nee, Barnaby Marsh, Duncan Watts, Russell Hardin, Sonja Opper, Siegwart Lindenberg, Delia Baldassarri, and Peyton Young.

The Future of the Social Sciences Videos

Future of the Social Sciences: Introduction
Victor Nee, Cornell University
Barnaby Marsh, John Templeton Foundation

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 2
Russell Harding, New York University

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 3
Duncan Watts, Microsoft Research

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 4
Delia Baldassarri, New York University

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 5
Peyton Young, Oxford University

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 6
Steven Strogratz, Cornell University

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 7
Siegwart Lindenberg, University of Groningen

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 8
Sonja Opper, Lund University

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 9
Francesca Trivellato, Yale University

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 10
Victor Nee, Cornell University

Future of the Social Sciences: Part 11
John Padget, University of Chicago

Future of the Social Sciences: Conclusion
Victor Nee, Cornell University
Barnaby Marsh, John Templeton Foundation

Lecture Series

The Future of the Social Sciences

Big Questions for the Social Sciences in the 21st Century, Changes in Research Designs, Blurring of Disciplinary Boundaries, and Innovation, Change and Emergence

The Center for the Study of Economy and Society at Cornell University is delighted to host a workshop on October 3rd, 2014 on the “Future of the Social Sciences” at the Cornell Club New York City. The first Future of the Social Sciences conference was organized by Doug North at Washington University, and was followed by a second meeting convened in 2005 at the NYC Cornell Club. Participants of the second meeting on the Future of the Social Sciences conference included Doug North, Elinor Ostrom, Kevin McCabe, Duncan Watts, and John Cacioppo.

For the October 3rd, 2014 event, we have expanded our list to include scholars from Harvard, MIT, Columbia, Zurich, Lund, Oxford, Stanford, Yale, Princeton, Chicago, NYU, and Cornell. The format of the conference is centered around discussion panels on 4 core themes and short background papers (6-8 pages). The selected themes will be structured around the following timely areas: 1) Big Questions for the Social Sciences in the 21st Century, 2) Changes in Research Designs, 3) Blurring of Disciplinary Boundaries, and 4) Innovation, Change and Emergence. In addition to the core scholars, we have invited an audience of faculty, post-doctoral research associates, foundation leaders, and academic administrators from universities to attend the workshop. The panels will be videotaped for transmission to the broader scientific community through our CSES website and social media.

The confirmed guest list for the Future of the Social Sciences workshop includes the following scholars: Steven Strogatz, Francesca Trivellato, John Padget, Victor Nee, Barnaby Marsh, Duncan Watts, Russell Hardin, Sonja Opper, Siegwart Lindenberg, Delia Baldassarri, and Peyton Young. The event will begin at 9 AM on Friday, October 3rd, 2014 at the Cornell Club NYC located at 6 East 44th St, New York, NY 10017. We have scheduled for two panels before lunch and two panels after lunch–coffee and snacks will be provided during breaks.

If you are interested in attending the October 3rd, 2014 workshop, we have approximately 25 positions open and would be delighted to see you there. Please contact CSES@cornell.edu for availability.

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“[T]he challenge is to specify and explicate the social mechanisms determining the relationship between the informal social organization of close-knit groups and the formal rules of institutional structures.”— Victor Nee