Lecture Series

Lecture Series

The Social Impact of a Changing World Society, 1950-2024

John W. Meyer

The Center for the Study of Economy and Society is pleased to sponsor John W. Meyer’s lecture on “Social Impact of a Changing World Society, 1950 to 2024” on Zoom May 2nd, 2024 beginning at 4:30 pm to 5:45 EST. John will be speaking from his home in Palo Alto to the CSES community of scholars to share his ideas and ongoing research on the emergence and evolution of a world society.


“I review the sociological research tradition on the nature and impact of ‘world society’ in the period since WWII. Global emphases have evolved from liberal to neoliberal, and now toward what may be called “post-liberal. Impacts on widespread domestic arrangements – and thus research models and findings — have changed accordingly. Some liberal institutions have clearly weakened, though no single clear alternative world model has become dominant.”


John W. Meyer, Professor of Sociology, Emeritus; Stanford School of Humanities and Sciences

Join us on Zoom

citation engraving
“The great bulk of controls over social behavior are not external but built into the relationships themselves.”— George Homans