Interview Series

Interview Series

CSES Interview Series: Gerald Davis

The Economy & Society Interview Series is a casual yet intellectually engaging conversation with leading scholars throughout the social sciences. The interview series is produced by the Center for the Study of Economy and Society (CSES) at Cornell University. In this interview, Gerald F. Davis–the Wilbur K. Pierpont Collegiate Professor of Management at the Ross School of Business and Professor of Sociology, The University of Michigan–discusses his educational background, research trajectory, recent book and empirical findings, insights into sociology and economics, and future trends in research.

Oxford University Press:
Managed by the Markets: How Finance Re-Shaped America

Gerald (Jerry) F. Davis

Interview Series

CSES Interview Series: Howard Aldrich

The Economy & Society Interview Series is a casual yet intellectually engaging conversation with leading scholars throughout the social sciences. The interview series is produced by the Center for the Study of Economy and Society (CSES) at Cornell University. In this interview, Howard Aldrich–Professor & Department Chair of Sociology, and Adjunct Professor of Management in the Kenan-Flagler Business School, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill–discusses his educational background, research trajectory, recent book and empirical findings, insights into sociology and economics, and future trends.

Sage Publications:
Organizations Evolving, Second Edition

Interview Series

CSES Interview Series: Victor Nee

The Economy & Society Interview Series is a casual yet intellectually engaging conversation with leading scholars throughout the social sciences. The interview series is produced by the Center for the Study of Economy and Society (CSES) at Cornell University. In this interview, Victor Nee–Frank and Rosa Rhodes Professor in the Department of Sociology at Cornell University and the Director of the Center for the Study of Economy and Society–discusses his educational background, research trajectory, recent book and empirical findings, insights into sociology and economics, and future trends.

Harvard University Press:
Capitalism from Below: Markets and Institutional Change in China

Main Research Findings by Victor Nee:
Click Here

Future Research Agenda by Victor Nee:
Click Here

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“[T]he challenge is to specify and explicate the social mechanisms determining the relationship between the informal social organization of close-knit groups and the formal rules of institutional structures.”— Victor Nee